Media Day

High School Sports Portraits!

Media Day Pricing -

$65+tax per player with a minimum of 15 players.

(add $65 per each additional player after 15)


$975+tax if less than 15 players

($975 divided by the number of players)


Media Day Photoshoots Include :

3 poses | per athlete

Buddy/Group Photos

1-2 Team Photo Variations

One  gallery for the whole team delivered to share across the team. Digital downloads are included in the price with the option to  purchase prints.

Custom HS Senior Banners -

2'x3'- $50.00

3'x4'- $96.00

3'x5'- $120.00

*Prices are per athlete.

Includes choice of pose, custom design and printed final banner delivered.

*Team Banners Available. Please Inquire.

A few things to note about Media Days:

Media Day SHOULD NOT be scheduled right before practice.

  • Media Day will take some time and should be scheduled either in place of practice or on a completely separate day.
  • Plan to carve out approximately 2 hours for the photoshoot. (Not including set up and tear down of photographer equipment.)
  • Media Day is not a great option for large volume teams as it requires those in attendance to cooperate and be present for photos. For Volume Team information please CLICK HERE
  • Media Day can include colored smoke, strip lights and any other fun props kids would like to bring.
  • Athletes and those who plan to be in photos should be well aware of what Media Day is and how the images will be used. Coaches, please inform kids ahead of time and come prepared with all items needed for photos!
  • Athletes, Coaches and Parents should all be excited and come hyped up for Media Day. The goal is to have fun and bring unique ideas to the table.
  • While Media Should be fun and exciting, the photographer can for any reason deny any posing for safety reasons or otherwise.
  • One whole gallery of all images will be delivered to the coach. Coach will send gallery out to parents. Everyone will have access to the whole gallery.